Friendship, Unity, and Christian Charity is the AOH motto and we are always happy when we can deliver on this in the Yonkers community. Recently we made donations to several organizations that work hard every day to help others in need and pay it forward for future generations. All of this is made possible by generous contributions from our friends and supporters via our annual golf outing and other fundraising events. We appreciate you and are thankful for your continued support!
In September, we awarded the AOH Commodore John Barry Memorial Medal to eight graduating elementary school students in the City of Yonkers who have excelled in U.S. History/Social Studies. Each student was also presented with a $100 check.
Brandon Ford, a Junior at Archbishop Stepinac High School was awarded the new $1,000 AOH Yonkers Scholarship by the North Yonkers Community Fund. We congratulate Brandon and wish him continued success in the classroom and on the baseball field.
We continued our support of Sisters of Life with a $1,000 donation. Founded by Cardinal John O’Connor in New York in 1991, The Sisters of Life embody our Catholic values by providing spiritual support to the most vulnerable in our community.
To support our friends at Project Children, we donated $500 to their 50th anniversary "Move to Monaghan" Peace Campus Campaign. We salute Denis Mulcahy and his entire team for the meaningful and impactful work they do to foster both cross community and cross border peace among young adults in Ireland and Northern Ireland.
We continued as the sole sponsor of the 2024 Firefighter Sean Tallon Memorial Gaelic Sports Tournament at Redmond Field in Yonkers and donated $2,500 to support the NY GAA Minor Board.
Irish, American, and Proud? Submit your application to join the AOH at: